Tuesday, December 10, 2013

1,2, Cha-Cha-Cha!

So after taking an unplanned hiatus from blogging, I am back!

Let's keep this simple. I started my new job, which has been much harder work (in a good way) than I imagined. As a result, I have had to take a few steps back from some other things in order to not lose my sanity... And sleep occasionally!

After many years, my time with B-Man, sadly had to come to an end. Although I like to share aspects of my life online, I'm not a huge fan of delving into something quite so personal, so I'll leave this one here. 

I have done a massive flip in my attitude to food. Training with my PT of 4 years, harder than I ever have before has taken me to a place I didn't think I was capable of. Without sounding like one of those annoying, 6am work out warriors, that preach their way of kale, when you're craving cronuts, it did actually prove how true mind over matter can be. Eating foods to match my activity levels, and that will nourish my body (oh *cringe* I just used the word nourish) has become more important to me, than what my cravings, mouth and eyes tell me otherwise.

Some things I am learning, that I thought I'd share:

* Time Management - this isn't about finding time, it's about priorities. Sometimes that means sacrificing personal things to get work done, and sometimes that's necessary and worthwhile. More often though, I am much more productive when I don't sack off the gym, give myself the much needed "switch off time" I get by being there, and spend the rest of the evening chilling out with my partner - which is all I want to do at the end of the day!

* Getting Back on Track
After some big, and deeply personal events over a period of 12 months, it is so easy to fall off the bandwagon. As cheesy and cliche as it is, I had my 6 months of partying too hard & neglecting some of the things that were important to me, my health & my sanity.. Funnily enough, these things were entirely necessary for me in other ways & have also put me on a new path, with a new man I adore (who shall be referred to simply as G, Sir Goose-a-lot, G-Dawg etc) and where I am the most relaxed & happy I have been in a long time. Now is the time to get back on the wagon! 

So here is my first post, as a new me. 

Sir G & I are both down with a cold, craving carbs & hot drinks. This morning's breakfast was an attempt to feed that craving & sneak some good stuff in too, so hopefully, we are back on form for another busy week. 

I had been flicking through the ridiculous, too-big-for-its-bookshelf, foodie mag collection, and stumbled upon a Bill Granger recipe for a Bombay Potatoes-esque dish with fried egg. Perfect! 

I worked with what we had in the cupboard & created my own version...

Spiced Potaotes w Fried Eggs, Avo & Chutney.. Serves 2

* Half a sweet potato, quartered (or 4 x potatoes, cut in half
* 2 x tbs sunflower oil
* 20g butter
* 1-2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
* 2 tbs ginger, finely chopped 
* 1-2 tbs curry powder
* 1-2 tbs ground cumin
* 1 tbs turmeric 
* 1 tbs ground coriander
* 1 chilli, red or green, seeds roved,
Finely sliced
* 2 spring onions/shallots, thinly sliced
* eggs for frying (number of eggs per person)
* fruit based chutney, or similar condiment to serve (we used a store bought plum & tomato)

* 1 x Avo
* 1/4 red onion, finely diced 
* 1 x chilli
* 1/2 bunch of coriander
* juice of 1-2 limes
* salt & pepper to taste

1. Cook potatoes in salted boiling water for 10mins or until just soft. Set aside & cut into bite size pieces (2-3cm cubes).
2. Meanwhile, smash your avo and all ingredients in a bowl to combine - you can use a potato masher, mortar & pestle, food processor/Thermomix to do this. Just chuck it all in & mash it up together. Season to taste.
3. Heat pan over high heat with 1 tbs sunflower oil, add garlic & ginger, constantly stirring, along with spices until fragrant - DONT let the ginger & garlic burn (like I did the first time...)
4. Add butter to pan, and once almost melted, add final tbs of sunflower oil & potatoes, chilli and shallots to pan. Toss to coat potatoes in space mixture & brown slightly. 
5. Transfer potatoes to a plate to keep warm. Wipe the pan clean, and return to the heat to fry your eggs. 
6. Serve potatoes on plates, with fried egg on top, a dollop of avo and chutney on the side.