This week has been incredibly hectic with extra curricular activities assigned after work every night. It's been fun, but I can't begin to tell you how forward I'm looking to a bit of a lie in with a cup of coffee and the papers this weekend!
I was however, pleasantly surprised with my ability to keep up with healthy, and more importantly, tasty meals for lunch and dinner... Until the weekend!
Friday night was action packed and alcohol fueled, as B-Man and our partners in crime, JamOrla Corp, headed out to see Spiegelworld's Empire. It's hard to explain what Empire is all about, without ruining the experience - part of the enjoyment lies in not knowing what to expect! But I would recommend checking it out - but get in quick, as it's only in town for the remainder of the week.
After a number of bottles of champagne, we made our way to Frankie's Pizza, another wonderful creation from Anton Forte and Jason Scott, who are also behind Shady Pines and Baxter Inn - two of my favourite night spots!
What I really love about places like Frankie's is not ordering off a menu. What impresses me most and quite often makes my night, are staff that (excuse the French) know their shit. Frankie's is one of those places.
"I would like 2 cocktails please, something with lime and mint, and a pizza that's got a little bit of everything - can you suggest something?". Without blinking an eye lid the wonderful woman behind the bar shot me a smile and said, "yep, I've got this". I could not have chosen better myself, she certainly did have IT. The second round consisted of apple and gin and after that.... We, thankfully, put ourselves into cabs!
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